Stop paying hundreds to thousands to maintain your website

Convert your WordPress website to a static website with plain HTML and CSS can save you hundreds a year and thousands in WordPress upgrades and maintain costs.

Get started now

Your website as a plain HTML and CSS

Many business owners are drawn to cost savings and hassle-free maintenance when comparing a plain HTML and CSS website with a WordPress website.

Free Hosting

Plain HTML and CSS pages can be hosted for free — up to 100 GB bandwidth.

Maintenance Free

There are no plugins, security patches, SSL certificate updates, or worries about hackers since there is no database vulnerability.

Fast Page Loads

Since there is no database to worry about, static HTML and CSS files are faster to load.

Like your existing WordPress site?

No Problem. With the help of some tools, I can convert your existing site to plain HTML pages and keep the same look and feel of your existing site.

  • Extract all your existing content as is
  • Upload the HTML content to a Free hosting
  • Switch your Domain Name to the new site

Convert your WordPress website and save hundreds to thousands in hosting fees and maintenance costs.

Modernize your Website

Redesign your website instead of using your existing WordPress website design.

  • Modern look and feel
  • Engage with potential customers with a clean design
  • Responsive — works on mobile and desktop
  • Focus on your value proposition

Design a custom website for your brand that speaks to your customers.

My Work

Here are some websites I have designed, which are plain HTML pages.

PJE Construction Services Header Image

PJE Construction Services

I designed the website for to be a single-page website where clients can get a quick overview of what PJE Construction Services offers.

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Personal Website Header Image

Personal Website

I decided to revamp my website since my freelancing career has started to pick up. The site gives me a more professional outlet to showcase my talents and recent projects and host my blog.

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Lets Talk

Start saving on maintenance and hosting costs for your website.

Frequently asked questions

What do you mean by "plain HTML and CSS"?

WordPress is a CMS (Content Management System) that dynamically generates the HTML for a given page based on the information in a database when someone goes to that page in their browser.

Plain HTML and CSS pages are static and uploaded to a server directly; to change the content, you would need to manually update the files and then upload them to the server.

Read How Switching to Hugo From WordPress Can Help You Save Money for more information.

Can I manage the website content?

Unlike WordPress, plain HTML pages don't have a user interface or Admin dashboard for you to manage content for your website. You must have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and Javascript. We can create a maintenance plan that works for you, and I can manage the content.

How do you create the HTML pages?

I use a tool to convert your WordPress website to a Hugo project. Hugo is a popular static website that compiles pages into plain HTML that you can upload to any server or hosting provider.

Will I own the code?

Yes. Once the final payment has been processed, I will hand over all the code and transfer ownership of the site to you. Don't worry if you are not tech-savvy; it is a quick and easy process that I will gladly guide you through.

Why are plain HTML pages cheaper?

Unlike WordPress, plain HTML pages don't require a Database or a server that can generate the HTML for each page when someone visits your website.

You can host plain HTML files on services like Netlify, which has a FREE plan of up to 100GB bandwidth.

Do you put your name on the website?

No. The way I look at it, you are paying for my services and not to advertise my services on your website; you don't pay a plumber, and they put their name on your house for advertisement. All I require is permission to put your website in my portfolio.

How are contact forms handled?

Forms can be handled using services like Formspree and Netlify. Each service has pros and cons, and I will work with you to determine which best fits your business.

Can my website integrate with any other services?

The short answer is that it depends. I need to research and let you know. Still, I have used services like EmbedSocial to embed an Instagram feed, Jobber to embed a job contact form, and Disqus for comments on blogs and articles.